The Holy Mass

Between spirituality and cult: An interactive trash-show // In German and English
Saturday, October 24th 2015 // theater ensemble // 8.30 pm

”Love your mistakes!“ and ”Fuck the rules!“ the apostels of improvised theatre call out. Really? Are we supposed to adhere to these principles in our improvised lives? Do YOU keep THESE commandments: ”Let your partner look good!“, ”Listen!“, and most importantly: ”Stop trying to be funny!“ …? How many ”Dos & Don'ts“ actually exist in the improv universe? Is improv a world wide cult that tries to undermine society? Are they the true Illuminati? The improv ensemble frei.wild from Berlin / Germany will celebrate mass with us to clear up any doubt. Improvisers from the festival are supposed to show their undivided commitment to the commandments of improv. The Würzburg audience is supposed to be converted – at least for this one night. Get ready for a whole lot of fun and craziness!

An interactive show beyond the boundaries of conventional improv. Festival participants and audience members get the opportunity to jump on stage. Everything's optional, nothing is a must!

in advance: €9.50 (discount €7.50) plus advance booking fee
box office:
€11.50 (discount €9.50)

Get your ticket here!

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