The Workshop Teachers of this Year’s Festival

We’re happy to announce the workshop teachers of this year’s festival! We put together a variety of themes and workshops and we hope it will be inspiring to you! Also, all of our workshops will last 18 hours which will give you the chance to go deeper into each topic.
The first teacher is Heather Urquhart from the UK who has inspired many participants at last year's festival. We are glad to have her back! Our second teacher is Antonio Vulpio, artistic director of his company “Teatro a Molla” in Bologna/Italy! It's Antonio's first time at the festival and we are much delighted! Also a new face at the festival is Gretchen Eng from Chicago/USA. Our friend Joe Bill is a big fan of her and we are more than happy that she accepted our invitation to Würzburg. Last but not least we have Marko Mayerl from Strasbourg/France who has been in Würzburg several times before. Always a pleasure to learn from him!