23rd to 26 October 2025

Würzburger Improtheaterfestival

Improvised Theatre from all over the World

On the Stages of Würzburg

About us

Würzburger Improtheaterfestival e.V.

Welcome to the website of the Würzburger Improtheaterfestival e.V.!
Our association is committed to the art form of improvised theatre in Würzburg.

Besides shows with international guests we offer workshops to improve in this form of theatre.

The core and annual highlight is our international festival in October. But also during the year various improv-projects take place, such as the MaestroTM, that offers not only the stage to guests and Würzburg players but also a exciting evening for the audience.


Be a part of the festival program!

In October the Improtheaterfestival will again fill various stages in Würzburg with all kinds of shows from the international improvisation scene. You and/or your group would like to become a part of this varied program? You have the chance to present your show format at the 18th Würzburg Improtheaterfestival! Between 30 March and 27 April you can apply. More information and the application form can be found at Shows or directly to the form.

We look forward to your submissions!

Thanks for this amazing festival!

We had such a great 17th Improtheaterfestival! Thanks to everybody, who made this event happen! Check out the pictures of our shows and workshops on Flickr and Facebook. If you want to stay tuned to everything happening around the Würzburger Improtheaterfestival e.V. subscribe to our newsletter right here at the bottom of this page.

The next Würzburger Improtheaterfestival will take place from Thursday, October 24th until Sunday, October 27th 2019. We hope to see all of you again next year!!

The festival has begun

Today our festival start's, hooray!
Lots of lovley people workshopping the next four days. There's also show's every night. Many of them are already sold out. But there are still a few tickets left. So come and enjoy the Festival.

The pre sales are starting TODAY!

We are super excited to announce that the pre sales for the festival shows are starting today!

Ten awesome shows are waiting for you guys!

You can buy tickets online on this website.

Have fun browsing through our programme!

Hooray! The application process is starting!

It begins! Today we are starting the application process for the 17th Würzburger Improtheaterfestival! Now you have two weeks (until May 22nd) to register for a workshop spot. Then we will put all the applications into our lottery, so everyone gets a fair chance to participate in a festival workshop.

We keep our finges crossed for all of you guys!


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